About me
Welcome to my website. I am an Assistant Professor in Sociology at the Collegio Carlo Alberto and an Affiliated Researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies. I coordinate the Social and Political Sciences track of the Allievi Honors Program and teach on multiple courses of it. I also teach a laboratory on cooperation and collective action at the University of Turin.
My research studies interpersonal cooperation and conflict and the mechanisms, particularly social norms, reputation, signalling, and dominance hierarchies, that reduce or increase them. I use empirically tractable theories and employ multiple methods to explore micro-level individual decision-making and the resulting emergent macro-level social phenomena. My work has been published in Nature Communications, Social Science Research, Social Psychology Quarterly, and the Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization among others.
I have a PhD in Sociology from the University of Oxford (2015), an MSc in Sociology from the University of Oxford (2010), and a BSc in Biology from the University of Bristol (2008).